A Food Allergy Life | Looking for a Place to Donate this Holiday Season?
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Looking for a Place to Donate this Holiday Season?

In the giving spirit? Here is a list compiled by Allergy Eats of organizations that could really use your support in any way. Many thanks and Happy Holiday’s!

Let’s talk about giving!

So many organizations across the country are dedicated to helping the food allergy community in their own unique ways. On Giving Tuesday, please consider a donation to one of these 13 national organizations or a local non-profit to support the research and services necessary to make a difference – federal funding alone is not enough! We’re all in this together!


Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America (AAFA)

AAFA is dedicated to saving lives and reducing the burden of disease for people with asthma and allergies through support, advocacy, education and research.


Kids With Food Allergies (KFA) –

Kids With Food Allergies (KFA) is a division of AAFA that serves to improve the day-to-day lives of families raising children with food allergies and empower them to create a safe and healthy future for their children.


Allergy and Asthma Network

Allergy & Asthma Network is the leading nonprofit organization whose mission is to end the needless death and suffering due to asthma, allergies and related conditions through outreach, education, advocacy and research.


Allison Rose Foundation

Allison Rose Foundation

The Allison Rose Foundation was formed to prevent other families from experiencing the tragedy and untimely food allergy death of a child or young adult.

The foundation has developed a physician driven, evidence-based food allergy curriculum that educates everyone—with or without food allergies. In collaboration with a medical advisory board, as well as a team of instructors (all firefighters/paramedics), the foundation offers an engaging, impactful and life-saving lesson to students, faculty and staff. The curriculum covers severity of food allergies, signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, what to do in case of an emergency and guidance on self and peer-advocacy. To-date, more than 50 presentations have been made to Ohio schools and universities, with the goal of expanding beyond Ohio.


Elijah-Alavi Foundation

The Elijah-Alavi Foundation was established in memory of Elijah-Alavi Silvera. Elijah’s Echo, an initiative designed to raise awareness of the importance of anaphylaxis/ severe food allergy and asthma education, was born from a tragic incident that occurred in a New York City Pre-K school/daycare center on November 3rd, 2017.

The foundation is raising money to certify 100 or more schools within the coming new year. Financial support will address the need for every public school/daycare to be stocked with epinephrine auto-injectors, for every adult that works in these settings to know the signs of anaphylaxis, and to make sure that all children in every school in every neighborhood, regardless of socioeconomic conditions, are safe when their parents drop them off at school.https://www.elijahalavifoundation.org

End Allergies Together

End Allergies Together (“E.A.T”) is an organization focused solely on raising money for food allergy research. E.A.T. was co-founded in 2015 by Elise and Greg Bates and Kim and Tom Hall, who have children with severe food allergies, to help bridge the significant gap in research funding for this growing epidemic. E.A.T has committed more than $1.7 million to fund eight promising research efforts across eleven top institutions. Proceeds go directly to the researchers dedicated to finding answers.


Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team

FAACT’s mission is to educate, advocate, and raise awareness for all individuals and families affected by food allergies and life-threatening anaphylaxis.


Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE)

FARE’s mission is to improve the quality of life and the health of individuals with food allergies, and to provide them hope through the promise of new treatments.  A gift on Giving Tuesday could help fund treatments, research, and allergy management tactics for the food allergy community.


Food Equality Initiative

Donations will help stock gluten-free flour, bread and pasta, nut-free butter, egg-substitutes, and dairy-free milk on food pantry shelves, which can change lives and provide access to safe and healthy foods. Food Equality Initiative must raise $50,000 by the end of the year to stock its two local food pantries with gluten-free and allergen-free foods.


Food Allergy Fund

The Food Allergy Fund is dedicated to funding food allergy research focused on the underlying causes of food allergies and improved treatments for people with food allergies. The Food Allergy Fund enlists celebrity ambassadors, industry partners, and individuals to raise public awareness and to support scientific research.


Keep Smilin 4 Abbie Foundation

Keep Smilin 4 Abbie

The KeepSmilin4Abbie Foundation was founded in early 2014 in memory of Abbie Benford, who lost her life from anaphylaxis just eight days before her 16th birthday.

Abbie’s death is the catalyst that created the KeepSmilin4Abbie Foundation. The mission is simple: #stopanaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a potentially life threatening reaction to food, insect stings, medicine or latex. Over 15 million Americans are at risk of anaphylaxis according to Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. With little warning when exposed to a trigger, millions are at risk of near sudden death. The KeepSmilin4Abbie Foundation funds new education programs, with the support of medical professionals, for those at risk.


Love For Giovanni Foundation

Georgina Cornago Cipriano, founder of the Love for Giovanni Foundation and the Friends Helping Friends Food Allergy Support Group on Facebook, has been a passionate advocate and educator since losing her son, Giovanni, to an anaphylactic reaction in 2013.

Georgina is committed to raising awareness both locally and globally by providing critical knowledge that she and her family were not afforded.


Natalie Giorgio Sunshine Foundation

The Natalie Giorgi Sunshine Foundation was created in memory of Natalie Marie Giorgi who tragically passed away at the age of 13 from an allergic reaction to peanuts.

Natalie’s parents want to make sure that no other family has to endure the heartbreaking loss of a child due to food allergies. They created The Natalie Giorgi Sunshine Foundation in order to help reduce dangerous food allergy deaths by spreading public awareness, provide education regarding emergency responses and increase the availability of epinephrine injectors in public places.

Red Sneakers for Oakley Foundation

Red Sneakers for Oakley was established by Robert and Merrill Debbs after the death of their 11-year-old son Oakley due to a fatal allergic reaction to nuts.

Oakley loved his red sneakers and the family decided to use them as a powerful symbol for increased education and awareness among communities of people with food allergies, but also people who don’t have them. Oakley suffered from both asthma and an allergy to nuts, and the Debbs believe they were ill prepared to recognize the signs of anaphylaxis, the acute multi-organ life-threatening reaction to allergens.


Thank you for considering the efforts of these incredible non-profit organizations devoted to the food allergy community! Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season.