A Food Allergy Life | Travel
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With food allergies, planning ahead when travelling is the key to fun and life

Getting ready for a trip? Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, planning ahead is key to making your trip safe and enjoyable. This advice will help get you started.


As always, communication helps a great deal. The people who will be serving you—not to mention your traveling companions—can only attend to your needs if you tell them about your food allergy.


If you know in advance where you’ll be dining, research the restaurant menus, just as you would for a local eating establishment.


When making special requests, give as much lead time as you can to trip organizers and airline, hotel and restaurant staff. This will improve the chances that they can accommodate your needs.


Bring a kit with all your medications, including extra epinephrine auto injectors. Do this no matter how far from home you plan to be.


Also bring extra copies of your Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan.

If you’re traveling with other people, make sure someone knows where to find these items and how to give epinephrine.


Let your doctor know you’re traveling. Ask if he or she will be available to call, email or fax in a prescription for additional auto-injectors, should you need them.


Here is a link with a great checklist provided by FARE:



Download your Anaphyaxis Emergency Care Plan here:
