A Food Allergy Life | eliafoodallergylife2018
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Author: eliafoodallergylife2018

This article was written by Justin A. De Boer, MD, Pediatric Gastroenterology at Arnold Palmer Hospital For Children. Going back to school can be an exciting and stressful time for families, and many may be finding their usual anxiety is heightened because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For...

The following is an excerpt from Health Day News: https://consumer.healthday.com/ Food allergies may be under-diagnosed among children covered by Medicaid, a new study suggests. "We were surprised to find such a large discrepancy in estimates of food allergy prevalence in children on Medicaid compared to the general...

A licensed psychologist and food allergy mom offers tips and resources to support mental and emotional health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Why are some adults managing food allergy more stressed than others about COVID-19? Some food allergy households are already dealing with the daily stress of managing...

In the giving spirit? Here is a list compiled by Allergy Eats of organizations that could really use your support in any way. Many thanks and Happy Holiday's! Let’s talk about giving! So many organizations across the country are dedicated to helping the food allergy community in their own...

Here is a great article from Living Allergic. I've posted it in it's entirety. On a seemingly ordinary day three years ago, I was picking up my fifth-grader from school. In the car, I asked Joshua about his day. Completely out of character, he broke...

This is not a story anyone wants to hear about.  Food allergies are a serious issue on a global level and it is important that all people are educated - those with allergies, their family and friends, and at least a basic awareness that allergies...

Every year, Americans make 30,000 emergency room visits because of food allergies, according to the Food and Drug Administration. Even touching a surface that previously held peanuts can trigger anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction. When a peanut-allergic person starts feeling their throat close up, they stab...

Parents, Schools Step Up Efforts To Combat Food-Allergy Bullying Bullying takes many forms, but when it involves a food that triggers severe allergies, it could be potentially deadly. Once, when Brandon Williams, a 16-year-old from Kentucky, was on a trip with his bowling team, his teammate decided...